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Ditch the Disguise: Why Your Caregiver Brand Needs to Be YOU (Not Mr. Kipling or Colonel Sanders)

By Kevin Blumer | 27 May 2024 | Comments Off on Ditch the Disguise: Why Your Caregiver Brand Needs to Be YOU (Not Mr. Kipling or Colonel Sanders)

Ditch the Disguise: Why Your Caregiver Brand Needs to Be YOU (Not Mr. Kipling or Colonel Sanders) At Digital Growth Architects, we believe in one thing above all else: authenticity. That goes for us as a company, and it goes for the caregiver brands we help build. We’ve all seen them: the smiling faces on…

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Sustainable Digital Marketing V Quick Win Marketing

By Kevin Blumer | 29 April 2024 | Comments Off on Sustainable Digital Marketing V Quick Win Marketing

The Path to Long-Term Growth For this blog, I’ll focus on a specific concept within sustainability: sustainable marketing. This means building authority, getting qualified leads, and fostering long-term growth, as opposed to environmental practices such as resource use Many businesses chase the dream of instant results and viral campaigns, but these rarely lead to lasting…

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Duty of Care: Elevating American In-Home Care, Inspired by the NHS Model

By Kevin Blumer | 08 May 2024 | Comments Off on Duty of Care: Elevating American In-Home Care, Inspired by the NHS Model

American in-home care faces a crisis. Mismatched expectations, inconsistent quality, and poor communication are harming those who need care most. As someone dedicated to the caregiver archetype, I believe a solution lies in a concept from across the pond: duty of care. Archetypes may represent groups of people, but we have the word “care” at…

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