Digital Business Development Growth Package

Digital Business Development Growth Package

Would you like 2 -4 organic leads a month

Go beyond demographics! We uncover your dream customers' personalities and desires, ensuring your marketing resonates on a deeper level.

We know you want digital marketing that reflects your values, delivers results, and feels like true collaboration.  This package provides personalized strategies to attract your dream clients and customers and build the online presence you SMB needs.



How Digital Business Development Can Help Your Business

Businesses using multiple digital marketing channels see an average of 25% growth in new leads compared to those using just one channel. **


Lack of Digital Marketing Strategy.

Some businesses lack a clear marketing strategy, leading to inconsistent efforts and poor results. Our comprehensive strategy and plan for businesses, A/B testing, and conversion rate optimization help address this issue.



Unclear Target Audience:

Identifying the ideal customer and understanding their needs is essential. Our service helps businesses develop ideal customer profiles and personas, improving their targeting efforts.


Inadequate Lead Generation:

Finding and converting leads is a challenge for many businesses. Our service aims to generate 2 to 4 new organic ideal leads every month,

Our Comprehensive Package what it usually includes (Can change slightly depending on you niche.)

A  overview of  individual items tailored for digital business development.

Trello Board Creation:

Organized project management via Trello.

Keyword Research:

Short-tail keywords selected based on client preferences.

Long-tail keywords structured into silos and tracked.

Goal Setting

SWOT analysis, goal setting, and defining target audience archetypes and personas.

Multi Channel Content Strategy:

Creation of content strategy based on audience sentiment and preferences.

SEO audit and Technical audit

SEO audit and Technical audit and implementation for improved visibility.

CRO & A/B Testing:

Implementation of conversion rate optimization techniques and A/B testing.

Comprehensive Content Audit:

Thorough assessment of existing content assets to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.

Extra Keyword Optimization:

In-depth keyword research to target high-value keywords relevant to the client's industry and audience.

Integration of keywords naturally into content for improved SEO performance.

Content Calendar Development:

Creation of a detailed content calendar outlining topics, publishing dates, and distribution channels.

Aligning content themes with seasonal trends, industry events, and client goals.

Content Personalization

Utilization of data-driven insights to personalize content for specific audience segments.

Dynamic content creation based on user behavior, preferences, and demographics.

Silo Structure Planning:

Based on the identified themes, plan out the structure of your website's silos. Each silo should represent a broad topic or category that encompasses related subtopics.

Determine the main pages (pillar content) for each silo and the supporting pages (cluster content) that will delve deeper into specific aspects of the topic.

Evergreen Content Creation:

Development of evergreen content assets with long-term relevance and value.

Updating and repurposing existing content to ensure ongoing freshness and accuracy.

Platform Selection:

Identify the social media platforms where your audience is most active and engaged. Focus your efforts on platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or others that align with your business objectives.

Asset Creation:

Develop downloadable assets such as checklists, guides, eBooks, whitepapers, templates, or PDF resources that provide value to your audience and address their pain points or interests.

Gate some premium assets behind lead capture forms to build your email list and generate leads for your business.

Brand Style

Develop a comprehensive brand style and messaging strategy that encapsulates your brand identity, voice, storytelling, positioning, and consistency across channels, aiming to authentically convey your unique value proposition and forge deep connections with your target audience.

Digital Business Development Growth Package

£550 Per Month
  • Comprehensive Strategy & Plan
  • Multi-Channel Content Strategy
  • 2 - 4 Organic leads a Month
  • Brand Style & Messaging Strategy
  • All in One solution
  • Trello Board Creation
  • SEO, Digital marketing and social media
  • CRO & A/B Testing
  • Monthly Reporting & Analytics

Digital Business Development FAQs

What is Digital Business Development?

Digital Business Development is a comprehensive approach to leveraging digital marketing strategies and techniques to accelerate business growth, increase brand visibility, and drive revenue.

How can Digital Business Development benefit my business?

Digital Business Development helps SMBs (Small and Medium-sized Businesses) get clear direction on their digital marketing, attract the right kind of clients, and finally see results from their online efforts.

What makes your Package unique?

Our Growth Package stands out for its personalized approach, comprehensive strategy development, emphasis on targeting the ideal audience, and commitment to delivering quantifiable results through lead generation and engagement optimization.

How do you measure the success of the Digital Business Development Growth Package?

We track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, lead generation, conversion rates, engagement metrics, and return on investment (ROI) to evaluate the effectiveness of our strategies and ensure continuous improvement.

Common Questions That may seem silly

How do you determine which social media channels are best for my business?

We conduct thorough research to identify social media platforms where your target audience is most active and engaged. Our selection process is data-driven and considers factors such as demographics, interests, and behavior to ensure maximum reach and effectiveness.

Are there any minimum requirements for businesses to qualify for the Digital Business Development Growth Package?

  • Established Online Presence: Your business should have an existing website and social media profiles to build upon.
  • Minimum Review Threshold: We recommend having at least 5-7 positive reviews to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.
  • Ready to Invest: Do you value quality marketing and recognize its potential to significantly accelerate your business growth?
  • Open to Collaboration: Are you excited about partnering with our team to develop a comprehensive, results-driven digital strategy?

What if my business doesn't meet the minimum requirements?

Contact us and we will use an alternative method to checking this package fits

Is it possible to adjust the package based on the performance of the leads?

Yes, absolutely! We understand that every business is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. That's why we offer flexibility in our package to adapt to your specific needs and goals. If the leads generated are working effectively, we can continue with the current strategy. However, if adjustments are needed, we can modify the approach, including scaling back on certain services or focusing more heavily on others, based on your feedback and performance data. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that you achieve the best possible results from our partnership.

Do I need to spend time managing every aspect of the package?

No, the Digital Business Development Growth Package is designed to be an all-in-one solution, minimizing the time and effort required on your end. Initially, we estimate that you may need to allocate approximately 8 to 12 hours per month for consultations, reviews, and providing necessary information. However, after the initial setup and optimization phase, your involvement may decrease to just an hour or two per week for ongoing updates and feedback. This streamlined approach allows us to handle the heavy lifting while ensuring that your business runs optimally.

Why does the Digital Business Development Growth Package include a wide range of services?

We believe in offering a comprehensive approach to digital marketing and business development to ensure holistic growth for your business. By incorporating various strategies such as SEO, content creation, social media management, and more, we aim to provide you with a well-rounded solution that addresses multiple aspects of your digital presence and maximizes your chances of success.

Can't you just focus on specific services like SEO or ads?

While individual services like SEO or ads can certainly drive results, we prefer a more holistic approach to digital business development. Our package encompasses a range of services because we believe in addressing all aspects of your digital marketing strategy to achieve sustainable growth and long-term success. By taking a comprehensive approach, we can optimize various channels and tactics to work together synergistically, resulting in better outcomes for your business.

Is there a way to get a free consultation for the Digital Business Development Growth Package?

Yes, if your business meets the criteria or is slightly below, we offer complimentary consultations to discuss how our package can benefit your business. During the consultation, we'll assess your needs, evaluate your current digital marketing efforts, and provide insights into our comprehensive process. Additionally, you can request more detailed information about our process, which goes beyond what's outlined on this page, to gain a deeper understanding of how we can help you achieve your goals.

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Imagine a customer driving to your business for the first time and you close early on Fridays and you don’t tell them. They might forgive you but more than likely they will spend there cash else where.


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What is Digital Business Development?

Digital Business Development (DBD) is the strategic fusion of marketing, technology, and sales to propel business growth in the digital landscape